Our Founding and Goals
The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation
Our Pledge
Rod Serling’s achievements in playwriting, speech making and broadcasting are considerable and important. As members of The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation, we dedicate ourselves to promote and preserve this great man’s contributions to the Arts and Humanities.
We pledge to educate the public about Rod Serling’s genius and his passion, hoping that they will understand and appreciate his mastery of the creative arts, his unique understanding of human relationships, his esteem as a writer, his generosity as a speaker in and around Binghamton, and his uncompromising commitment to quality.
Non-Profit Pledge
The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation is operated exclusively for the above and other non-profit purposes, and is registered with the IRS as a non-profit entity. No part of any net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private member.
The Founding
There were several attempts to memorialize Rod Serling following his death. Don Snyder, former general manager of WNBF-TV, in editorial on two different occasions, urged the community to remember Rod Serling in some significant manner. Through a well-received 1981 documentary entitled “Rod Serling: Remembered” on WMGC-TV, news anchor Julie Ross spurred public interest with a suggestion that Recreation Park or the high school might be named after Rod. On June 11th, 1983, Mayor Juanita Crabb and the Binghamton Local Development Corporation made possible the world premiere of “Twilight Zone The Movie” at the Crest Theatre in Binghamton New York.
In February 1985, the Rod Serling Memorial Committee was formed. The founders:
David G. Stearns, Chairperson
Stanley G. Gilinsky, Vice Chairperson
Charles Lesko, Jr., Treasurer
Ethel F. Molessa, Secretary
Helen M. Foley, Creative Director
Carol Serling, Advisor
Jem Aswad
Helen Bailey
William Behan
Mare A. Ferro
Michael T. Fuir
Bill Foley
Betsy Aswad
Barbara Furch
Richard N. Aswad
Yvonne Gabel
Sybil Goldenberg
Eileen Haley
M. Joan Handy
Anne Greiner
Norma F. Lawson
Ruthe B. Lee
Jules Levitt
Lonna McKeon
Ann E. McNulty
Irene McNulty
R.D. Rosenbaum
Phyllis Stearns
Shirley Weinstein
In the fall of 1986, the Committee became the ROD SERLING MEMORIAL FOUNDATION and was later recognized as a non-profit, tax exempt organization in 1987.
Our Goals
To preserve Rod Serling’s legacy, we set goals. Here’s how we’re doing:
To create and maintain a permanent Archive of facts, photographs, documents and memorials …to serve as a resource center to those wishing to learn more about the life and work of this gifted man.
- Many rare and interesting films, videos, scripts, photographs and personal mementos have been added to the Archive, and are listed in the inventory.
- A permanent Memorial Exhibit, “Day of a Playwright,” is housed at the Broome County Theatre for the Performing Arts, located inside the at the Forum theater. August 2000: Exhibit Renovated; donations requested!
- An historical marker in front of Rod’s Binghamton Central High School, and can be viewed on our Helen Foley page.
- Binghamton Walk of Fame funded by Celebrity Auction in June 1987. Hundreds of items were donated for this unique fundraiser from celebrities who knew and worked with Rod, and from numerous local merchants….Link to news story and various materials.
- The Rod Serling Foundation was instrumental in helping Carol Serling and the estate nominate and receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in honor of Rod Serling. This event took place in October 1988; see our page on the star.
- Several limited edition collectibles have been designed to help with fundraising efforts. Colorful buttons, beverage rugs, original scripts reprinted in a special Foundation binding, posters, postcards, and this 1988 HOMETOWN CALENDAR are now available.
…Links to online calendar. Other items listed in the inventory. - RSMF Website (YOU ARE HERE)
To create a Mobile Display of the archive which can be used throughout the community.
The mobile display exists, but has not been used for many years, and could stand refurbishing.
To create and maintain Educational and Informational Materials about Rod’s life and works, and make them available to the public.
- RSMF Website
- Program with knowledgeable speakers and artists-in-residence
- Lectures and video presentations at schools, service clubs and other organizations throughout the community.
- “Rod Serling: Day of a Playwright”, a 30-minute B&W video presentation on the life and works of Rod Serling has been produced by the Rod Serling Foundation. It has been shown in public at various functions, and is now available on request a part of our Mobile Display Unit.
This video appears on the newly-created FOUNDATION REEL, a videotape available free to all RSMF members. Write to us and ask for one.
To lobby for a first class U.S. Commemorative Postage Stamp in Rod Serling’s honor.
- Thousands of letters requesting that a first class stage stamp be issued in honor of Rod Serling have been sent to the Postmaster General. This will be an ongoing process until the proposed postage stamp is issued. First day covers will be issued in Binghamton….Here’s how to send YOUR letter!
- A drawing of Rod Serling by area artist Robert Keller, a member of the Board of Directors, has been created as a proposed design for the postage stamp. Posters and post cards of this beautiful drawing are now available from the Rod Serling Foundation….Displayed on the Art Page. Limited number of these items remain.
To contribute annually to the Rod Serling School Fund at Binghamton High School.
RSMF makes an annual contribution to the Rod Serling Scholarship Fund at Binghamton High School, which was established in 1983 by a Mayor’s Committee from proceeds that were raised at the World Premiere of Twilight Zone, the Movie; and sponsors its own scholarship.
To promote Film Festivals of Rod’s television and motion picture creations.
The 1st and 2nd Annual Rod Serling Film Festivals.
- Twilight Zone Comes Home 2017
- Serling Fest 2018
- Serling Fest 2019
- Serling Fest 2020 (virtual)
- Serling Fest 2021
- Serling Fest 2022
- Serling Fest 2023
- Serling Fest 2024
Above: Former president Sybil Goldenberg with the Foundation’s 16mm film archive
(New York Times photo)
Below: Robert Keller
with the mobile display