ARTICLES that were once news are now material for your reference
2024 Winners: Narrate Your Own Twilight Zone Competition
Congratulations to the 2024 Winners First Place: "Time for a Friend" by Ron Wolfe Second Place: "Lost in a [...]
Rod’s Story “First Squad, First Platoon”
You can read "First Squad, First Platoon" in The Strand magazine. The story by Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling was published [...]
Things To Do In Binghamton (Besides SerlingFest!)
Ride the “Twilight Zone” Carousel at Recreation Park The shoe manufacturer and great benefactor, George F. Johnson, donated six carousels to the greater Binghamton [...]
11th Airborne in WW II
Watch a 53-minute video about Rod Serling's World War II service as a paratrooper in the 11th Airborne
2023 Rod Serling Film Festival Winners
Watch the winners of the 2023 rod serling film festival
Rod Serling Statue in Recreation Park, Binghamton, USA
Chatbots in the Twilight Zone
The emergence of AI chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT has a lot of people thinking that conversing with Artificial Intelligence is something new. In fact, [...]
Stephen Dexter – American Morning
American Morning is a powerful and award-winning new film dealing with the epidemic of mass shootings in the United States. Directed by Robbie Bryan ("The [...]
Bob Crane Interviews Rod Serling
The Bob Crane Show: interview with Rod Serling as aired on KNX-CBS Radio on December 11, 1961. Yes, that Bob Crane, pre-Hogan. Subject: "The Shelter."
Keeper of the Chair
Rod Serling’s First Twilight Zone Episode? A significant anniversary in Rod Serling history: On July 10, 1951, Rod Serling's "The Keeper of the Chair" aired [...]
As I Knew Him – An Interview With Anne Serling
Anne, age 8, on her dad’s lap. Of all the books in one’s Rod Serling library, none is as personal and intimate as [...]
He Asked Only for Equality
Read Rod Serling's reaction to Martin Luther King's assassination: "He Asked Only for Equality"
Binghamton Birthed Many Stars
Rod Serling tops the list of famous people from Binghamton, but let's not forget Johnny Hart, Rick Baker, Amy Sedaris, Paul Reiser, and more.
Nick’s List …for your Serling Fix
Rod Serling Memorial Foundation's president Nick Parisi compiled a list all publicly available works of Rod Serling for his book on the prolific writer [...]
Rod Serling Said This
“Every writer is a frustrated actor who recites his lines in the hidden auditorium of his skull.” This collection of [...]
Dr. Zaius Was Right
Video compilation of Planet of the Apes villains--they all turn out to be quite correct in their fears about the heroes...
Trevor Terry Wins 2020 Scholarship
The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation proudly presents the 2020 winner of our scholarship: Trevor Terry. He will seek a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at [...]
Bingeing the Twilight Zone
It's not just for holidays! Read why you should binge and where to find the episodes--almost anywhere...
Carol Serling 1929-2020
Carol Serling, widow of Rod Serling, faithful defender and steward of his work, passed away on January 9, 2020, at age 90. Many [...]
Can a TV Writer Keep His Integrity?
TV Guide circa 1965: Rod Serling and Reginald Rose debate censorship of their work, beginning in person and continuing by mail, refereed by Edith Efron.
Poster: 2019 Narrate Your Own Twilight Zone Winners
Right-click the poster below and choose "Save image" or similar, then print it. Suitable for framing!
Writing for Television Discussions
Ithaca College, NY, circa 1972: Rod Serling and a half dozen of his Ithaca College writing students made a Q&A video. It's now viral on [...]
Rod Serling Memorial Foundation Scholarship Application
$1000 for a graduating Senior of the Rod Serling School of Fine Arts at Binghamton High School Please complete this RSMF Scholarship application and submit [...]
Star Trek Meets Twilight Zone, in Black Mirror
This YouTube video unites two classic TV shows in classic Black Mirror fashion, and evaluates how well the screenplay does its job. Entertaining, too!
Rod Serling’s Night Gallery – The Art of Darkness
Night Gallery's introductions featured, in addition to Rod Serling and paintings, a menagerie of misshapen monsters and winged demons, sculpted in metal by artists Phil [...]
The Twilight Zone: Here’s Why We Still Care
The New York Times offers a primer on the enduring legacy of this beloved and influential anthology series that became part of the cultural lexicon. [...]
Binghamton Twilight Zone Escape Room is Unique
Xscapes' Escape Room "Twilight Zone: The Rod Serling Experience" is the only one of its kind in the world, and located in... wait for it... [...]
Twilight Men: An Interview with Koren Shadmi at Comic_Watch
This interview with writer/illustrator Koren Shadmi and his new Humanoids book, "Twilight Man: Rod Serling and the Birth of Television" celebrates Twilight Zone's 60th anniversary.
Serling Fest 2019 Twilight Zone Awards
We all voted--at least once--and here are the results. Now go watch 'em again!
How “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” Anticipated the USA of 2019
The United States of 1960, less than a decade removed from witch hunts and mythical fifth columns, was moving into societal changes that would disrupt [...]
The Twilight Zone Forever: Celebrating 60 Years guest columnist Anne Serling on the 60th anniversary of her father's seminal television series.
WSKG Announces 2019 Rod Serling Film Festival Winners
Winners of this K--12 contest will be honored October 5th at Serling Fest 2019, in Binghamton, NY. Watch those winners here!
Twilight Zone ALUMNI: Gone, but never forgotten
Listed: William F. Nolan, Cloris Leachman, Arte Johnson, Earl Hamner Jr., Jason Wingreen, George Clayton Johnson, Richard Bare, Don Keefer, Arlene Martel, John Tomerlin, Jack [...]
Guillermo Del Toro and Jeannot Szwarc honor Rod Serling’s Night Gallery
Host Jim Benson is joined by two extraordinary directors, Guillermo del Toro and Jeannot Szwarc, in an interview and tribute to Rod Serling's Night Gallery. [...]
The Loner: The Complete Series
Tony Albarella reviews the home video release of Rod Serling's classic (and vastly under-appreciated) western series, starring Lloyd Bridges.
“The Last Stop” channels Serling, Lynch, Brooker
This new series from Stephen Dexter and Sarah Wharton is inspired by the ground-breaking television work of Rod Serling, David Lynch, and Charlie Brooker. Wow! [...]
Pop Culture Squad interviews Serling author Nick Parisi
Parisi's recent book "Rod Serling, His Life, Work and Imagination" is an authoritative, fascinating, and engaging work.
10 Twilight Zone Episodes That Came True
Spoiler Alert: Earth has not left its orbit and aliens have not landed. Forgive the clickbait; marvel at the Twilight Zone themes still relevant today, [...]
Rod Serling’s Cincinatti Connections
RSMF Board member and author Nick Parisi planned two talks and book signings in the Cincinati area. His book covers Rod's Cincinati connections in depth. [...]
Enter the Rod Serling Film Festival
Sponsored by WSKG in Binghamton, NY... The Rod Serling Film Festival is accepting submissions from K-12 students for the 2020 contest. Use the same [...]
Norman Lear Wins Ithaca College Serling Award
The Rod Serling Award for Advancing Social Justice Through Popular Media goes to Lear, producer of All in the Family, Sanford and Son, One Day at [...]
Ithaca College and Rod Serling
Proximity of the Serlings' summer home on Cayuga Lake to Ithaca, New York, likely set the stage for Rod's multiple collaborations with Ithaca College [...]
Did Twilight Zone Plagiarize Ray Bradbury?
You can copyright a treatment, but not the idea beneath it. That's the ultimate conclusion of this fresh examination of some very old accusations.
Rod Serling’s original Planet of the Apes script now a graphic novel
A new graphic novel of Rod Serling's original Planet of the Apes concept features apes in a city, but was thought too expensive to film.
Twilight Zone fan fights rare disease
The Twilight Zone has special meaning for twelve year-old Jaiden Rogers, who is fighting a rare disease. You can help.
Twilight Zone’s Most Famous Cars
1959 Mercury Montclair from "The Hitch-Hiker"--and four others--at this site!
Speaking With Serling
Science Fiction Grandmaster James Gunn Discusses
 His Unfinished Interview with Rod Serling James Gunn’s celebrated career in science fiction began in 1949 with his first [...]
Rod Serling, Human Rights Activist
This article, Social Justice from the Twilight Zone: Rod Serling as Human Rights Activist, is from Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy
Twilight Zones Stars, when they were unknown
Randy Cepuch's effective advertising campaign for old Twilight Zone episodes simply listed all the stars who appeared in the Zone before their fame. Cool!
The Serling Award 2017
Throughout his writing and educational careers, Mr. Serling provoked thought wherever his influence reached. His pen planted seeds of imagination into the minds of [...]
The Wandering Man Arrives – A Review of The Loner: The Complete Series
Review by Tony Albarella The Loner has always been one of Rod Serling's lost works, in nearly every sense of the word. This 1965-66 Western [...]
Twilight Zone Comes Home a Success
On July 15, 2017 in Binghamton, New York, The Twilight Zone came home. Photos here! Local TV station FOX40 reports on the event:Â Twilight Zone [...]
The Serling Award 2016
Throughout his writing and educational careers, Mr. Serling provoked thought wherever his influence reached. His pen planted seeds of imagination into the minds of [...]
Why Rod Serling Still Matters
"The remarkable thing ... is that the writer-presenter learned his craft not in the visual era but in the age of radio drama."
Jack Klugman’s Twilight Times
Klugman's credentials span decades. He worked on every major live TV show of the "Golden Age" and starred in four different television series. by Tony [...]
Meeting a Famous Everyman
Klugman earned celebrity the hard way: by perseverance, dedication, a love of his craft, and a healthy dose of street-wise attitude. by Tony Albarella A [...]
Valdese, North Carolina has a Twilight Zone Experience
In the autumn of 1962, Valdese realized its "fifteen minutes of fame" in a bizarre scenario that would give it a full page story in [...]
Rod Serling: Failed Screenwriter
...and Other Myths... by Christopher Conlon "Serling's cinema work in the 1960s followed a general pattern: initial excitement, increasing frustration, followed by abandonment, or, in [...]
The Many Fathers of Martin Sloan
Rod Serling, Ray Bradbury, and Gore Vidal on the Genesis of "Walking Distance," the Beloved Twilight Zone Classic by Christopher Conlon "Martin Sloan, age thirty-six. [...]
Rod Serling’s “Planet of the Apes” Connections
Rod Serling's involvement with the Planet Of The Apes screenplay is widely known. Several other connections link the work of Serling to those Apes. by Spencer [...]
One for the Recent Angels
Tony Albarella reminisces about Twilight Zone alumni who died in 2010-11... For a person who writes extensively about The Twilight Zone and Rod Serling’s early [...]
The Pain of Rain
In 1961, the most recognisable writer in America—Rod Serling—crossed professional paths with the most recognisable face in Hollywood—Marilyn Monroe. by Spencer Lloyd Peet In 1961, [...]
Entry into the Forbidden Area
The Discovery and Preservation of a Serling Rarity by Tony Albarella Thanks to the combined efforts of volunteers from The Rod Serling Memorial Foundation and [...]
The Twilight Zone’s Jewish Soul
The show was preoccupied with man's place in the universe, threats to freedom, man's inhumanity to man ...grist for the religious school mill.
Seeking Rod Serling – Adventures in Beverly Hills
by Steve Schlich To quote the TV hit Fringe---which owes much to Rod Serling---there's more than one of everything. When I was [...]
Rod Serling and the Conscience of a Generation
by Marek Breiger in Jewish Currents: He employed the new technology of television to transmit ancient truths, and part of his truth emerged from a very [...]
Rod Serling’s Revenge
Michael Anton's thoughtful 2009 article on what made The Twilight Zone special.
The Twilight Zone Live
As part of the 50th Anniversary of The Twilight Zone in Rod Serling's hometown Binghamton, NY, WSKG-TV staged two beloved Twilight Zone episodes live, [...]
Special 50th Anniversity Tribute... The Twilight Zone: An Element of Time reviews music written for the original Twilight Zone by Bernard Herrmann, Jerry Goldsmith, and [...]
Del Reisman Article in Filmfax
Producer Del Reisman worked with Rod Serling on the Emmy-winning Requiem for a Heavyweight and Twilight Zone. "It was a delight all the way." by [...]
Lady Liberty’s Leading Role in SF
Rod Serling's legendary Statue of Liberty ending to 1968's Planet of the Apes was neither the first nor the last use of Lady Liberty as [...]
Twilight Zone Writer Challenged Prejudice
Rod Serling, a Unitarian, confronted prejudice with innovative television scripts. He circumvented censors because they didn't understand what he was doing.
Writer, Serling scholar and editor Tony Albarella discusses his landmark series "As Timeless As Infinity" and the formative effect Rod Serling's work had on his [...]
If Rod Serling was the Twilight Zone's social conscience ... then Charles Beaumont was its chief storyteller. Charles Beaumont's son discusses his father's life and [...]
Reflections of a Storyteller: A Conversation with Richard Matheson... 2004--2005 saw publication of Darker Places and the scripts of Duel and The Distributor By William P. [...]
This interview accompanied publication of the first edition of "As Timeless As Infinity," Editor Tony Albarella's memorable presentation of Rod's 92 Twilight Zone scripts. By [...]
In this interview celebrating publication of Editor Roger Anker's "The Twilight Zone Scripts of Charles Beaumont," Anker describes his writing processes. By William P. Simmons [...]
Requiem for Two Heavyweights
March 31, 1957: Theater bit player Sean Connery succeeds in his first leading role: Mountain McClintock in "Requiem for a Heavyweight." By Spencer Lloyd Peet [...]
Rod Serling Teaches Writing
Mythbusting the Original “Planet of the Apes”
In late 1963, Rod Serling was hired by King Brothers Productions to write a screenplay based on Pierre Boulle's novel Planet of the Apes. By [...]
Cowboy with a Conscience
Rod Serling attempts to run the conventional Western out of town, but finds he must go it a "Loner." By Tony Albarella "In the aftermath [...]
Making the Timeless Timely
Tony Albarella is editing and writing commentary for a series of books containing all of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone scripts. "The books will contain ... [...]
They Started on The Twilight Zone
Some say The Twilight Zone paved the pathway for all similar shows that followed it, including Boris Karloff's "Thriller" and "The Outer Limits," and to [...]
Famous Writers School
In 1961, writer and publisher Bennet Cerf founded the mail-order Famous Writers School. Rod Serling was one of the well-known authors involved, and his video ad for [...]
TV Guide’s 1963 Twilight Zone Retrospective
The future of TV’s most far-out show is not quite as uncertain as many of its plots… [TV Guide, Summer 1963] Come September, when the last [...]
Felicity Does the Twilight Zone
It's Sunday night, and you’re settled in to watch Felicity. You wonder what lies ahead for the show's sensitive heroine, played by Keri Russell. Will [...]
A Passionate Investor in Television
Screenwriter Rod Serling Changed The Small Screen With His Dedication To Big Issues… Rod Serling saw the powerful potential of television. But it seemed to [...]
Paul Mandell Analyzes “Walking Distance”
Rod Serling's "Walking Distance" is as powerful today as it was in 1959. And to a certain extent, the story was autobiographical. by Paul Mandell [...]
Congress remains in the Twilight Zone
"You listen to what is said in Congress and wonder how some of those men got there. Well, obviously, they got there by dropping out [...]
Earl Hamner, the Forgotten Twilight Zone Writer
Earl Hamner, Jr. may have moved on to become King of the (Walton) Mountain, but his contributions to one of the most influential television [...]
Southern California Sorcerers
The creators of Twilight Zone, Logan's Run, and dozens more fantasy classics remember the West Coast writers' group by Christopher Conlon Reprinted by permission of [...]
Rod Serling: His ‘Twilight Zone’ lives on
Submitted for your approval: The time is the early 1950s. The place: a kitchen table in Cincinnati. The young man seated at it, hammering away [...]
Filming American Master’s “Submitted For Your Approval”
Film to honor Serling By GENE GREY Published in the Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin on September 18, 1994 Behind the curtain of the Helen Foley [...]
Tending the Serling Legacy
Syracuse (NY) Herald American, May 29, 1994: TAD ROEBUCK, archivist of the Rod Serling Collection at Ithaca College, sits among some of the "Twilight Zone" [...]
Celebrating Rod Serling’s Star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame
1988 Article in Rod Serling's Twilight Zone Magazine IN THE AFTERNOON OF October 7, 1988, a new star will join the firmament of Hollywood's immortals. [...]
Life With Rod: A Conversation With Carol Serling
"He used to say that the ultimate obsenity is not caring, not doing something about what you feel." Interview by Bob Rosenbaum (April 1987)
Rod Serling Memento Back from The Twilight Zone
January 1984:Â Binghamton man discovers and preserves Rod Serling's 1943 signature carved into Backstage door frame at Binghamton Central High School. It's not the Dead Sea [...]
Rod Serling’s Final Interview
March 4, 1975: Not knowing that he has less than four months to live, Rod weighs in eerily on awards, prejudice, censorship, compulsion, immortality, (not) [...]
Rod Serling’s Commencement Speech at Ithaca College, 1972
Rod Serling warns of overxposure to perpetual office-seekers, the posturing push-button products of politics built out of plastic and cigar smoke.
Rod Serling calls himself “a reasonably valuable antique”
It's 1970, after Twilight Zone and The Loner but before Night Gallery and A Storm in Summer, and Rod Serling feels that television has [...]
When Science Fiction Became History
July 21, 1969: Rod Serling celebrates the Moon landing with SF authors and futurists Frederick Pohl, John R. Pierce, and Isaac Asimov. Watch:
Rod Serling Rips Loyalty Oaths, the Vietnam War, and Social Inequity
"If you want to prove that God is not dead... first prove that man is alive." —Rod Serling, urging his audience to be intent on [...]
A Conversation with Rod Serling, 1968
What a Find! Conversation with Rod Serling, a 1968 episode in the Library of Congress series LC Performance.
Rod Serling’s 1968 Commencement Address at BHS
Rod Serling's Speech to Binghamton Central High School Graduates Sunday, January 28, 1968 Graduates, ladies and gentlemen, faculty, friends and old acquaintances, unless you've reached [...]
Rod Serling: Don’t Ignore Evil
Serling consigns white backlash " its proper place, and that would have to be in a city dump some place outside of Pomona." [...]
Rod Serling Rips TV Censorship
May 1, 1964: Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin There has been progress made in the quality of television programming, but some of the industry’s worst problems—like [...]
“Slow Fade to Black” (1964) reviewed
Golden Age: A young Rod Serling tiptoes over camera cables during a live production at CBS Beyond the Zone: Tony Albaralla reviews obscure [...]
Why is TV the Whipping Boy?
Other mass media have the same faults but escape criticism By Rod Serling This article, tenth in TV Guide's "Television As I See It" series, [...]
Roasting Rod Serling
Mike Wallace tunes up for 60 Minutes in this 1959 interview Some background from the webmaster: Censorship flourished in the Fifties as an outgrowth of [...]
Angry Young Man? Serling Too Busy
By JAMES HEAVEY, Binghamton Sunday Press, August 15, 1959 A suddenly non-controversial Rod Serling said in Binghamton last night that he's outlived the role of [...]
Introduction to the 1957 Bantam Paperback “Patterns”
...a lengthy but riveting account of the blood, sweat, and tears it took to make it in television. by Rod Serling About Writing for [...]
“Noon on Doomsday” (1956) Reviewed
Golden Age: A young Rod Serling tiptoes over camera cables during a live production at CBS Beyond the Zone: Tony Albarella reviews obscure [...]