SyFy is correct about teaching at Antioch, but off by a decade. Unbelievably, considering he was also writing screenplays and Twilight Zone episodes, Rod did teach some writing courses at Antioch in the early sixties. Foundation member Jeanne Marshall attended one of them and took copious notes.
The biography of Rod on the web site for SyFy (a.k.a the Sci-Fi Channel) says that “Serling returned to Antioch College as a professor and lectured at college campuses across the country” in the early 70s. Do they mean Ithaca College?
Stephen Schlich2020-08-04T22:56:27-07:00May 17th, 2019|Comments Off on The biography of Rod on the web site for SyFy (a.k.a the Sci-Fi Channel) says that “Serling returned to Antioch College as a professor and lectured at college campuses across the country” in the early 70s. Do they mean Ithaca College?