Your donation to the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation will help us maintain monuments, sponsor scholarships, grant awards and hold events like SerlingFest. Donations of $25 or more make you a Sustaining Member for a year, and you will receive:
- • Your name displayed on our online membership page
- • A yourname@rodserling.com email forwarding address
- • Access to Meet Rod Serling, our exclusive video collection, and to additional videos created by the Foundation
- • Advanced access to our quarterly newsletter, and an exclusive copy of our end-of-year collector’s printed Annual
Select the “monthly” or “yearly” option to make your RSMF Membership donation renew automatically.
In response to many questions that we have received, please be aware that the Bundy Museum of Art and History and its “Rod Serling Archive” have no affiliation with the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation.
In fact, the Foundation and the Serling estate have long opposed the Bundy Museum’s use of Rod Serling’s name and likeness. The Bundy Museum’s current “membership” parameters are almost identical to our own–so please do not be confused!
There are three official archives of Rod Serling’s materials. They are located at the Wisconsin Historical Society; the UCLA Film and Television Archives; and at the library of Ithaca College.
—Nick Parisi for the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation