Media: Books
Books, periodicals, and reviews.
The Midnight Vault
Coming in March, dedicated to Rod Serling...
Twilight Zone Reflections
An introduction to the field of philosophy and a guide to the philosophical issues illustrated throughout the original 1959–64 television series. By Saul Traiger
God, Death, Heaven & Hell in the Twilight Zone
COMING! ...a new book by Charles D. O'Connor and Gary Lynn Clevenger
Twilight Man
The Twilight Man: Rod Serling and the Birth of Television ... written and expertly drawn by Koren Shadmi. Featured in our Autumn 2020 Newsletter.
Rod Serling’s Night Gallery – The Art of Darkness
Night Gallery's introductions featured, in addition to Rod Serling and paintings, a menagerie of misshapen monsters and winged demons, sculpted in metal by artists Phil Vanderlei and Logan Elston.
Rod Serling: His Life, Work, and Imagination
Fresh and authoritative.
UNKNOWN SERLING: An Episodic History vol.1
Fascinating tales that you've never heard before!
Planet of the Apes: Visionairies
This graphic novel of Rod Serling's original script features apes living in modern cities.
Rod Serling Books
Patterns, Requiem for a Heavyweight, Stories from the Twilight Zone I & II & III, The Season to be Wary, Night Gallery I & II
As I Knew Him: My Dad, Rod Serling
A heartfelt remembrance and entertaining look at the television icon as a down-to-earth and loving Dad.
The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia
An impressively detailed concordance of every episode, actor, creator ...right down to Zamba the lion in "The Jungle."
The Best of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone Scripts
Serling, and Albarella, shine!