Last year [2022], during the “Cocktails in the Zone” event, I had the honor of meeting Anne Serling and I shared something with her that she seemed to be very moved by. I am a banker, my father was a banker, and so on. 

As a business person, I have always faced adversity and obviously have tried my best to work with integrity and to serve the public to the best of my ability. My son is in the Air Force, (Active Duty stationed at Elmendorf, Alaska). I was flying to Texas to see him once and I wanted something to read on the plane. I brought two screenplays by Mr. Serling. In one of those screenplays titled ”Patterns,” I found a quote that resonated with me and I have carried with me ever since. 

Within the Author’s Commentary, it states “It is the story of ambition and the price tag that hangs on success. If it professes actually to have a message, it is simply that every human being has a minimum set of ethics from which he operates. This minimum set of ethics often injects itself into a man’s own journey upward against competition. When he refuses to compromise these ethics, his career must suffer, when he does compromise them, his conscience does the suffering.” 

Incredibly profound and I still carry that thought with me today. Again, he understood the human condition. A brilliant mind. Thank you for reading. All the best, Sarah.
